Bradford Area Christian Academy
Providing the best possible academic education in a Christ-centered environment
2024-2025 Enrollment opens March 1st!
Want to know more? Ask for more information HERE.
Ready to apply? Fill out an application HERE.
Re-enrolling? Access your Family Portal.
Summary of Admission Policies
Bradford Area Christian Academy was instituted to help Christian parents meet the spiritual and academic needs of their children. Therefore, we expect that families who enroll their children at BACA are raising their children in a manner which corresponds with BACA’s philosophy & purpose, are regularly attending a local Bible-believing church, and are willing to subscribe to BACA’s Statement of Faith, standards, and policies as set forth in this handbook.
Students enrolling in the PreK 3 program must be 3 years old by September 1st. Students enrolling in the PreK 4 program must be 4 years old by September 1st. Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1st. Students must be thoroughly potty trained to attend either PreK or Kindergarten.
A new student and his/her parents can expect to meet these requirements to begin school:
Complete all online enrollment forms and remit the enrollment fee.
Complete an interview with BACA’s Administrator. Both the parents and the enrolling student must be present for the interview.
Complete the Parental Agreement (found at the end of the Handbook).
Additional requirements for transfer students:
Provide evidence that no disciplinary action is outstanding against the student at the previous institution.
Request official transcripts be sent to BACA showing satisfactory achievement for the grade level in which the child was previously enrolled.
All new students are accepted on a trial period, during which they will be evaluated to determine their ability to follow the vision of BACA, their willingness to submit to the school’s policies, and BACA’s ability to meet their needs.
A returning student and his/her parents can expect to meet the following requirements to begin school:
Complete all online enrollment forms and remit the enrollment fee.
Pay all outstanding tuition and fees from the previous school year.
Meet other financial obligations as detailed under the financial policies (Section XIII).
Complete the Parental Agreement (found at the end of the Handbook).
Parents will be notified if a conference is required prior to acceptance or if re-enrollment is denied for any of the following reasons (not an exhaustive list):
If the school deems it is unable to meet certain academic needs of a student.
If the school deems it is unable to meet certain behavioral needs of a student.
If a family has not remained in consistently good financial standing with the school in previous years.
Re-enrollment will not be approved until all steps are completed to the satisfaction of the administration.